Marketing, Communications and Membership Committee

Charge: The Marketing, Membership and Communications Committee is charged with supporting the growth and development of ISCD's global presence, reputation for excellence in the field of Skeletal Health, and our international network of professional members. Committee members should expect to take an active role as content experts to support member benefits, marketing efforts and engagement within interest groups. This working committee serves as a sounding board for the ISCD leadership in guiding decisions that support ISCD's long term goals as a Society.

Specific Responsibilities:

•    Review content shared on social media, in communications and on ISCD’s website for accuracy and relevance 
•    Evaluate member benefits and membership structure as needed
•    Act as a sounding board for marketing efforts and member surveys
•    Support the evolution of ISCD’s virtual presence
•    Provide support and facilitate interest groups (new member benefit) to increase engagement among members
•    Members on this committee may be asked to communicate with new members, former members and/or members of our Corporate Advisory Council

Meetings: The typical commitment is estimated to be 4-6 meetings per year via Zoom and potential project work outside of meetings. 

Committee Officers and Members

Dr. Alvin L Day
Dr. Alvin L Day, MD, CCD

Ms. Monique M. Carroll
Ms. Monique M. Carroll, BSHA, RT(L), CBDT

Paulomi Dave
Paulomi Dave, MD, MPH,

Dr. Andrew Johannemann
Dr. Andrew Johannemann, MD, CCD

Dr. Navya Kuchipudi
Dr. Navya Kuchipudi, MD,

Dr. Miryoung Lee
Dr. Miryoung Lee, , CCD

Mrs. Wendy Tolman-Andrews
Mrs. Wendy Tolman-Andrews, BS, RT(BD), CBDT

Dr. Praveen  Anuradha Walaliyadda
Dr. Praveen Anuradha Walaliyadda, , CCD

Dr. Paul A Anderson
Dr. Paul A Anderson, MD,

Miss Malley O'Shea
Miss Malley O'Shea, ,
Staff Liaison