Personnel Committee

Charge: The Personnel Committee shall conduct on approximately an annual basis the formal evaluation of the Executive Director/CEO, provide a written appraisal, and make recommendations to the voting members of the Board of Directors regarding contract extension, compensation adjustment, or termination of the Executive Director/CEO. The Personnel Committee shall also negotiate the employment agreement with the Executive Director/CEO, submitting for Board of Directors approval. 

Membership: The committee will be comprised of the Immediate Past President, President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Meetings:  The committee generally meets once or twice in the late spring/early summer via teleconference.

Committee Officers and Members

Dr. Angela Man-Wei Cheung
Dr. Angela Man-Wei Cheung, MD, PhD, FRCPC, CCD

Dr. Paul A Anderson
Dr. Paul A Anderson, MD,

Dr. Krupa B Doshi
Dr. Krupa B Doshi, MD,

Dr. Donald Charles Eagerton
Dr. Donald Charles Eagerton, MD, CCD

Dr. Augusto  T Hsia , Jr.
Dr. Augusto T Hsia , Jr., MD, CCD

Dr. Orhan K. Oz
Dr. Orhan K. Oz, MD, PhD, CCD