Pediatric Bone Densitometry Course Committee

Charge: The Pediatric Bone Desitometry Course Committee is charged with advancing the field of pediatric bone densitometry through high-quality, evidence based ISCD education targeting a wide range of audiences.

Specific Responsibilities:
1. Meet quarterly to discuss updates/new research in field of Pediatric Bone Densitometry and their impact on relevant ISCD education and the ISCD network. 
2. During the six-month period leading up to the delivery of any ISCD Pediatric course, meet monthly (or as often as necessary) to ensure course content is updated appropriately. Complete independent work on courses between meetings according to assignments given by course chair.
3. Act as content experts for education projects adjunct to regular Pediatric Bone Densitometry course updates (i.e. modularized learning segments created for specific audiences), as assigned by course chair.
4. Evaluate yearly the performance of US Pediatric faculty and the quality of the program utilizing activity evaluations.
5. Evaluate credentials of new faculty for courses offered internationally.
6. Work with staff and the CME Committee to ensure that all pediatric course planning, implementation and documentation is compliant with ACCME guidelines.
7. Actively review pediatric education budget once a year in collaboration with ISCD Director of Education. 

Committee Officers and Members

Ms. Heidi H. Kecskemethy
Ms. Heidi H. Kecskemethy, MS Ed, RDN, CBDT

Nicola Crabtree
Nicola Crabtree, PhD,

Dr. Catherine M. Gordon
Dr. Catherine M. Gordon, MD, MSc, CCD

Ms. Kyla Kent
Ms. Kyla Kent, , CBDT

Dr. Ciara McDonnell
Dr. Ciara McDonnell, MD, FRCPI,

Mrs. Allyson Lee Steward
Mrs. Allyson Lee Steward, RT, CNMT, CBDT

Ms. Susan M van der Kamp
Ms. Susan M van der Kamp, CNS, RN, CDT

Dr. Halley Wasserman
Dr. Halley Wasserman, MD, MS, CCD