ISCD Commitees 

The following is a list of our committees. Please click on the name of a committee below to view its description, officers and members.

ISCD Committees are a great way for members to get more involved with the Society, work with colleagues in the field and further the mission of ISCD. To learn more about joining a committee, contact


Audit & Finance Committee

Charge: The Audit and Finance Committee is charged with  reviewing the annual audit,  the 990 prior to submission, the Society's investments and submitting the ISCD annual budget for approval by the Board. The committee may also be asked to review budget exception requests prior to action by the executive committee or full board.

Membership: Per the bylaws, the Audit and Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and is composed of six additional members approved by the Board of Directors.
Meetings:  The Committee meets on a monthly basis via teleconference.

Executive Committee

Charge: The Executive Committee may act in the name and with the full power of the Board during intervals between meetings of the Board on any matter requiring action by the Directors.

Membership: Per the bylaws, the voting members of the Executive Committee consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Director/CEO serves as an Ex Officio member without a vote. The President may appoint additional ISCD members as Ex Officio members to participate.
Meetings: The Executive Committee generally meets twice per month via teleconference and has two in person meetings per year, one at ASBMR and one just prior to the ISCD Board Meeting.

Nominating Committee

Charge: The Nominating Committee is charged with soliciting recommendations from ISCD members annually for candidates to serve as officers and Board members. The committee shall propose at least one nominee for each vacant position, preparing a slate of candidates and submitting the names to the Board. After Board approval, the slate will be placed on the ballot to be voted on by the membership. The Nominating Committee shall make every effort to achieve diversity of nominees based on geographic distribution, membership class and practice specialty.
Membership: Per the bylaws, committee is chaired by the Immediate Past- Past-President and composed of at least four (4) other Board appointed members.
Meetings: The committee holds one or two conference calls in the 3rd or 4th quarter of the year.

Personnel Committee

Charge: The Personnel Committee shall conduct on approximately an annual basis the formal evaluation of the Executive Director/CEO, provide a written appraisal, and make recommendations to the voting members of the Board of Directors regarding contract extension, compensation adjustment, or termination of the Executive Director/CEO. The Personnel Committee shall also negotiate the employment agreement with the Executive Director/CEO, submitting for Board of Directors approval. 

Membership: The committee will be comprised of the Immediate Past President, President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Meetings:  The committee generally meets once or twice in the late spring/early summer via teleconference.


DXA Body Composition Analysis Course Committee

Charge: The DXA Body Composition Analisys Course committee is charged with making revisions to the ISCD DXA Body Composition Analysis Course

Specific Duties:
1.    Evaluate the performance of US Faculty utilizing the activity evaluations.
2.    Evaluate credentials of new faculty for courses offered internationally.
3.    Review course evaluations for suggestions and criticisms used to improve the quality of each program. Additionally, assess need for a curriculum update based on scientific need. Courses are to be reviewed and updated annually.
4.    Work with staff and the CME Committee to ensure that course planning, implementation and documentation is compliant with ACCME guidelines.
5.    Review budgets

Education Council

Charge: Acting as a council made up of all ISCD course committees, the CME committee and the Online Learning Committee, the mission of the Education council is to provide a strategic vision for ISCD education programs capable of growing and maintaining the ISCD network of medical professionals in the bone densitometry field.

Specific Responsibilities:
1. The education council shall meet three times per year as a group of education subcommittee chairs to share updates in each area and report progress on action plans for creating and/or improving new and existing educational programs.
2. Review development of budgets, schedules and proposals for new course development, to be approved by the Executive Committee, prior to launching any new activity.
3. The Education Council reviews information related to suggestions for potential development of new courses.
4. Maintain oversight of Education/Faculty Policies and Procedures and address violations as appropriate.

ISCD Conference on Skeletal Health Assessment: Boston 2025
Online Learning Activity Development Committee

Charge: To develop up to 12 credit hours of online, on-demand, learning activities to fulfill ISCD commitment to our Full members, whose membership includes up to 12 credit hours of ACCME and ASRT credit towards ISCD recertification.

Pediatric Bone Densitometry Course Committee

Charge: The Pediatric Bone Desitometry Course Committee is charged with advancing the field of pediatric bone densitometry through high-quality, evidence based ISCD education targeting a wide range of audiences.

Specific Responsibilities:
1. Meet quarterly to discuss updates/new research in field of Pediatric Bone Densitometry and their impact on relevant ISCD education and the ISCD network. 
2. During the six-month period leading up to the delivery of any ISCD Pediatric course, meet monthly (or as often as necessary) to ensure course content is updated appropriately. Complete independent work on courses between meetings according to assignments given by course chair.
3. Act as content experts for education projects adjunct to regular Pediatric Bone Densitometry course updates (i.e. modularized learning segments created for specific audiences), as assigned by course chair.
4. Evaluate yearly the performance of US Pediatric faculty and the quality of the program utilizing activity evaluations.
5. Evaluate credentials of new faculty for courses offered internationally.
6. Work with staff and the CME Committee to ensure that all pediatric course planning, implementation and documentation is compliant with ACCME guidelines.
7. Actively review pediatric education budget once a year in collaboration with ISCD Director of Education. 

Quality Bone Densitometry Clinician Course Committee

Charge: The Quality Bone Densitometry Clinician Course Committee shall oversee revision of the Quality Bone Densitometry Clinician Course, a US LOC offering of the ISCD/IOF Osteoporosis Essentials Course.

Specific Responsibilities:
1.    Evaluate the performance of US Faculty utilizing the activity evaluations.
2.    Evaluate credentials of new faculty for courses offered internationally.
3.    Review course evaluations for suggestions and criticisms used to improve the quality of each program. Additionally, assess need for a curriculum update based on scientific need. Courses are to be reviewed and updated annually.
4.    Work with staff and the CME Committee to ensure that course planning, implementation and documentation is compliant with ACCME guidelines.
5.    Review budgets 6. Act as content experts for education projects adjunct to regular Quality Bone Densitometry course updates (i.e. modularized learning segments created for specific audiences), as assigned by course chair.

Quality Bone Densitometry Technologist Course Committee

Charge:  Quality Bone Densitometry Technologist Course Committee is charged with overseeing the revision of the ISCD Technologist Bone Densitometry Course.

Specific Responsibilities:
a. To oversee revision of the ISCD Technologist Bone Densitometry Course.
b. To work with the Scientific Advisory Committee to review and revise course as required.
c. Review the metrics with which to evaluate the course.
d. Conduct a review of Evaluation results, on at least a quarterly basis, as part of an ongoing program improvement process.
e. Act as content experts for education projects adjunct to regular Quality Bone Densitometry course updates (i.e. modularized learning segments created for specific audiences), as assigned by course chair.

Vertebral Fracture Recognition Course Committee

Charge: To advance the field of vertebral fracture assessment through high-quality, evidence based ISCD education targeting a wide range of audiences.

Specific Responsibilities:
1.    Meet quarterly to discuss updates/new research in field of Vertebral Fracture Assessment and their impact on relevant ISCD education and the ISCD network. 
2.    During the six-month period leading up to the delivery of any ISCD Vertebral Fracture Assessment course, meet monthly (or as often as necessary) to ensure course content is updated appropriately. Complete independent work on courses between meetings according to assignments given by course chair.
3.    Act as content experts for education projects adjunct to regular Vertebral Fracture Recognition course updates (i.e. modularized learning segments created for specific audiences), as assigned by course chair.
4.    Evaluate yearly the performance of US Vertebral Fracture recognition faculty and the quality of the program utilizing activity evaluations.
5.    Evaluate credentials of new faculty for courses offered internationally.
6.    Work with staff and the CME Committee to ensure that all pediatric course planning, implementation and documentation is compliant with ACCME guidelines.
7.    Actively review Vertebral Fracture Recognition education budget once a year in collaboration with ISCD Director of Education.


Ask an Expert

Charge: The Ask an Expert Committee is charged with with supporting one of our most popular member benefits answering the questions submitted by ISCD members in specific categories. Each expert is assigned to a category in which they have expertise and are willing to share it with their colleagues

Membership: The membership is dictated by the number of categories which may ebb and flow based on questions posed by members and trends in Skeletal Health Assessment. Experts on this committee interact directly with ISCD members through the ISCD website portal. 
Meetings:  This committee does not have formal meetings. They receive email notifications when a new question has been posed in their category. Staff members provide support to experts as needed. 

Awards Committee

Charge: The ISCD awards committee is charged with developing a nomination process and selecting award recipients for all of the Society's major awards.  The committee's annual selections are reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. The Committee is also charged with reviewing and making recommendations to the Executive Committee for the creation of new awards or modifying various award criteria.
Membership: The committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President and the Vice Chair is the current President.  Committee members are comprised of an additional 10 people appointed by the President. 
Meetings: The committee generally meets twice via conference call and other times as needed.

Marketing, Communications and Membership Committee

Charge: The Marketing, Membership and Communications Committee is charged with supporting the growth and development of ISCD's global presence, reputation for excellence in the field of Skeletal Health, and our international network of professional members. Committee members should expect to take an active role as content experts to support member benefits, marketing efforts and engagement within interest groups. This working committee serves as a sounding board for the ISCD leadership in guiding decisions that support ISCD's long term goals as a Society.

Specific Responsibilities:

•    Review content shared on social media, in communications and on ISCD’s website for accuracy and relevance 
•    Evaluate member benefits and membership structure as needed
•    Act as a sounding board for marketing efforts and member surveys
•    Support the evolution of ISCD’s virtual presence
•    Provide support and facilitate interest groups (new member benefit) to increase engagement among members
•    Members on this committee may be asked to communicate with new members, former members and/or members of our Corporate Advisory Council

Meetings: The typical commitment is estimated to be 4-6 meetings per year via Zoom and potential project work outside of meetings. 

Scientific Advisory

Scientific Advisory CouncilScientific Advisory Council

Charge: The Scientific Advisory Council is charged with reviewing and responding to requests related to ISCD scientific issues, abstracts and policy statements. The committee is also charged with review of possible topics for the ISCD Position Development Conference.
Members: Council Chair is selected through the board nomination and election process.  Members are appointed by the committee chair.
Meetings: Meetings are held as needed and generally via teleconference.